Inspiration from the Demon Hunter, a W/Me experiment
Okay, everyone remembers the effectiveness of mana burn from WC3 right? The demon could nail people and put them out of commission with that hit, they had to nerf it to compensate.
Anyway, there are two mesmer spells that would in exactly the same way, energy burn and energy surge. Double up on those and you can burn 18 energy off anyone in 4 seconds. Of course they are also hit for 162 damage, regardless of armor. Oh yeah, energy surge is also AoE.
So instead of packing a shield, pack a charkam. With 32 energy you have more than a ranger LOL
Pack Hex Breaker (best non-elite spell IMHO), Drain Enchantment (THE IW killer), Empathy (huge advantage against other warriors and rangers) and your usual warrior skills for axe or sword.